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    Semak Kelayakan LPPSA

    The Public Sector Housing Finance Board (LPPSA) is the bodyresponsible for providing housing finance to civil servants in Malaysia. The eligibility check process is an important first step for civil servants who want to get a housing loan from LPPSA. This article will cover all aspects related to the LPPSA eligibility check including basic salary, allowances taken into account, mandatory deductions, deductions not taken into account and other



    Basic salary is the main factor taken into account in theLPPSA eligibility review process. Basic salary is the amount of basic salary received by civil servants without including allowances or deductions. Here are some important points related to basic salary:


    Basic Salary : Is the amount of basic salary set accordingto the grade of the position.

    Annual Salary Increase : Civil servants usually receive anannual salary increase that increases their base salary. This will be taken
    into account in the eligibility calculation.


    Calculated Allowance

    Apart from the basic salary, several allowances are alsotaken into account in the LPPSA eligibility review process. Among the allowances that are taken into account are:


    Housing Allowance : This allowance is given to civilservants to help cover housing costs.

    Public Service Fixed Allowance (ETKA) : This allowance isgiven in addition to the basic salary for all civil servants.

    Permanent Entertainment Allowance (ETK) : This allowance isgiven to senior officials who need additional expenses for official duties.

    Fixed Housing Allowance and Cola Allowance (Cost of LivingAllowance): This allowance helps cover the increasing cost of living.


    Mandatory deduction

    LPPSA also takes into account some mandatory deductions inthe eligibility review process. This mandatory deduction is a deduction that must be paid by civil servants every month and includes:


    EPF Deduction (Employee Provident Fund) : This deduction isa mandatory contribution to the old age savings fund.

    Income Tax Deduction : Taxes payable to the Inland RevenueBoard (IRB) based on monthly salary.



    Deductions Not Taken Into Account

    There are some deductions that are not taken into account inthe calculation of LPPSA loan eligibility. This includes :


    1. Zakat Deduction: This deduction is for the payment ofzakat income for Muslims.


    Other Deductions

    There are also other deductions that may be taken intoaccount in the calculation of LPPSA loan eligibility, depending on the individual financial situation of the civil servant. Among other deductions that can be taken into account are:


    Personal Loan Deduction : Personal loans taken by civilservants

    Cooperative and Foundation Deductions : Deductions made forpayments to cooperatives or foundations.

    Education Loan Deduction : Loans taken for educationalpurposes can be taken into account in some circumstances.



    Eligibility Calculation

    Once all the above factors are taken into account,eligibility calculations will be made to determine the loan amount that can be approved by LPPSA. In general, the basic formula used is as follows:


    basic salary + allowance - mandatory deduction = net income


    This net income will then be used to determine the maximummonthly payment that civil servants can afford. LPPSA will usually stipulate that the monthly payment cannot exceed 60% of the monthly net income for the
    first financing.


    For the 2nd financing, LPPSA stipulates that the monthlypayment cannot exceed 50% of the monthly net income.



    semak kelayakan LPPSA is an important process thatrequires civil servants to understand the various factors that affect their ability to obtain a housing loan. By understanding how basic pay, allowances and various deductions are taken into account, public servants can make better financial plans and ensure they qualify for the loans needed to buy their dream home.